Learn more about sHTG and FCS

Navigating a life with familial chylomicronemia syndrome (FCS) or severe hypertriglyceridemia (sHTG) can be complex, but with the right resources and shared experiences it doesn’t have to be.

This section of KnowYourTGs is designed to provide you with additional resources and links to help you on your journey. Use the knowledge on these pages as a foundation to build an approach to living with these conditions that works for you.

In this section you’ll meet others living with FCS and you’ll hear their stories. FCS patient and caregiver videos offer a deeply personal look at the challenges and triumphs faced by the FCS community. These stories not only provide comfort but also highlight the diverse experiences that can inform and inspire your own journey.

You will also find a comprehensive FAQ section, with answers to common questions about FCS. And other educational videos and resource links are available to guide you through the symptoms, management strategies, and scientific aspects of FCS.

Each resource here is a starting point for your own journey. We encourage you to use these resources to educate yourself, forging a path toward a more empowered and informed life living with FCS.